Industrial Design Admissions

Admissions Overview
Declaring Industrial Design as a major requires two steps.
Step 1: After acceptance to the university students must apply to be an Industrial Design pre-major with an Entrance Portfolio (pre-major admissions below). As a pre-major students take courses within the ID program that are required for major status application.
Step 2: After completing the required courses as a pre-major, students then apply to be an Industrial Design major. The major application process, referred to as Sophomore Review, is outlined in the link below steps (major admissions).
Step 1
Pre-major Admissions
The program admits 20 pre-majors annually. Students may apply more than once, and portfolios are accepted three times a year.
Step 2
Major Admissions
The program admits 12 majors annually. The major admissions process is referred to as Sophomore Review and occurs at the end of winter quarter annually.